
Cristopher y Juan, two thirteen tear old kids meet online. Their virtual relationship becomes real the day that Cristopher travels to the chilean plateau to meet his quechua friend. The journey means the encounter of both worlds and the posibility of common dreams and realities becoming true. Year: 2003 Lenght: 56 minutos. Produced by: Surreal,

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Apgar 11

On September 11th of 1973 six mothers give birth in Santiago, Chile. Thirty years later, they and their sons get together to relive that day and commmemorate the date when their births crossed with the fall and murder of chilean President Salvador Allende. Year: 2003 Lenght: 60 minutos. Produced by: Surreal, películas de la realidad.

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The Desert Train

An old cargo train is the set of a tale that combines the fictional tale of a journalist looking to cover the story of a phantom train and a documentary portray of this train that rides through the hardest desert on earth. Year: 1995 Format: Cine 16 mm. Color Lenght: 27 minutos Produced by: Quimera

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Nema Problema

Un grupo de veintiséis refugiados provenientes de la ex Yugoslavia arriban a Chile en Junio de 1999. Ellos buscan una tierra que les devuelva la esperanza. Cuando el plazo de reinserción se va extinguiendo, cada uno de ellos debe ir tomando una decisión: quedarse en Chile o regresar a la tierra que no los quiere.

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Naomi Kawase, es una conocida realizadora japonesa que asombra a las audiencias de todo el mundo. Uno de esos espectadores fascinados con su obra se obsesiona con sus películas íntimas. Leighton (espectador y cineasta) busca a Kawase en un viaje que lo lleva al Japón profundo y descubre que su travesía es un juego de

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An anonymous and silent man has a routine job in a government office. At the same time, he is an athlete who trains every day for the specialty he loves: the "ultra marathon". Every morning he risks his life in the middle of the road moved by a desire that is more and more intense.

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